HeartSync Ministries Vision

The HeartSync Ministries Vision: is to promote and participate in the mission statement of Christ to “heal the brokenhearted,” whereby He gives us (undivided hearts) singleness of heart and action to the end that we are able to “love the Lord our God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind.” The following steps are adapted from Heartsyncministries.org “HeartSync in a nutshell”.

The following steps are part of every HeartSync session

Covering Prayer (including confession and appealing to Jesus)

Every session begins with a prayer asking for God’s presence and protection over us, our homes, the internet connections, and  asking God for forgiveness from anything we’re aware may be keeping us from God.


Divine Connection

The divine connection can happen in a number of different ways. The goal of this part of HeartSync is to establish and be able to maintain a strong connection with God for the entirety of the healing process so that God can lead us. It will help your session if you think in advance of a time you had a pain-free connection with God. If this sounds hard for you, don’t worry, your facilitator is practiced in helping you establish as well as maintain a strong connection with God.



We take time to strengthen your connection with God through thanksgiving and appreciation.


Explore (this is the unique process that makes HeartSync)

We work with God to explore where He wants to lead us in healing in each session.  Because this is HeartSync, we anticipate that God will make parts of the heart  accessible to you as part of addressing communicating with you toward more wholeheartedness. The parts we look for are:

True Self: The essence of the self and has the capacity to connect most strongly with God.
Function: The aspect of the heart and mind that does the daily functioning of life and often stays disconnected from painful memory.
Emotion: The aspect of the heart and mind that holds emotions most strongly and often holds pain, trauma and unresolved negative emotion.

Guardian: The aspect of the heart and mind devoted to protecting the parts of one’s heart. During a difficult time, Guardian may keep Function and Emotion apart to allow for daily functioning. Guardian has a significant role in watching over the heart and does its job best when well-connected to God.


 We work to expand the Divine Connection by progressively inviting the other Core Parts into relationship with Jesus — working to resolve conflicts and spiritual assignments until all of the heart is in loving relationship with God.