
Cover this ministry with prayer

We send out a monthly email with prayer requests and highlights.

As this ministry has started it has become incredibly clear that what we’re doing is a gift from God, birthed and protected by prayer.

We invite you to join our prayer team.

Apply to be a HeartSync Intercessor

We love to teach the Heartsync process and many people find that they receive healing as they intercede for others.

Heartsync has high standards for intercessors.

  1. Complete a basic seminar
  2. Be fully committed to confidentiality
Applying does not mean that we will match but does mean we’ll schedule a time to about if we can help you learn and you can help us serve more people.

Our intercessors receive:

  1. Access, we plan time after sessions to debrief
  2. Priority, we make every effort to get intercessors in for sessions as fast as possible
  3. Our best efforts to match your needs for growth and healing with recipients you will help.
We ask you:
  1. To be fully present in the sessions
  2. To commit to at least 4 sessions (8 are preferred).


Thank you for your support. We’re so thankful for you and will be in touch shortly!

Your support (truly no matter the amount) helps us in our aim to become more generous with our time, reach people who can’t afford what we provide to help people become more wholehearted.

In fact, we’re so new as a ministry and have just started raising supporters that when we receive notice we’ll cry happy tears and thank God for you in many rememberances.

You are appreciated!

-Brian & Bethany



hands supporting eachother
A graphic of hands supporting one another


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